It's Thursday morning and I am leaving tomorrow for a weekend trip with 18 women from my church. I am so excited about getting away for a couple of days and spending time getting to know these wonderful ladies. God has blessed me with a group of strong christian friends who have encouraged me, inspired me, loved me, and prayed for me through some really tough times. Thank you ladies once again from the bottom to the top of my heart.
Now I say all of that to follow with this. Even though I can't wait to go and bond with my friends in Christ, I will miss my husband, my Best Friend, very much. He is the best husband and Dad anyone could ask for. He loves me unconditionally and puts up with my many imperfections. He encourages me and holds me together when I feel I am falling apart. He provides for me (working 2 jobs) just so I can stay home, but still manages to find time to be there for us, whether it be playing games, coaching ball, attending cheerleading competitions, or watching Ella at night to give me a break and much needed rest.
Wow, what an amazing man GOD has blessed me with and sometimes I feel I take that for granted. This is really the whole purpose of this message, to let my husband know how much he is loved and appreciated for all he does. I thank GOD for you every day and will miss you these next couple of days! I promise to take great care of our precious little Ella Grace.
Also, to my other two amazing children, I love you very much and am proud of both of you for what wonderful christian people you have become. I will miss you guys too and hope you have a great weekend with Dad and Nana. I know this sounds like I am going away for a long time when I am actually only going for three days, but I just wanted you guys to know how much you mean to me and how much you will be thought of while I am gone.
With All my Love,
The Story is Mine to Tell
7 years ago
God has really blessed us EMC women with some outstanding men hasn't He?!!! Looking forward to hanging out with you this weekend!!!!!!
Angela, I am so upset to find out that I'm not your best friend!! ha ha just kiddin! I too can't wait to spend the weekend with the girls getting to know each other!
Love ya, Nancy
I remember about 20 years ago when you told me one day that I should stop praying for your husband because I was praying all your boyfriends away. Well aren't you glad I continued to pray???
God truly did answer my prayer when he sent you Tim.
I am so proud of how you have both made a wonderful, Godly home for my grandchildren. I am a Blessed Woman!!
I so enjoyed getting to hang out with you and little Ella (and all the the girls...and Ranger) this weekend. God has truly blessed with a great spirit of sisterhood and love....and some great husbands to share our lives too!!!
What an amazing tribute to your best friend! You are truly blessed as us EMC women are blessed with some wonderful husbands!! I, too, truly enjoyed spending time with you this weekend. I am SOOOOO glad you and precious Ella Grace were able to join us on our trip! It wouldn't have been the same without you.
And, please know that we love your family TOO, so very much!! You Flemings and Martins are TRUE blessings from God and I am so grateful to call you my brothers and sisters in Christ!
I love you!
Angela, I sooooooo enjoyed getting to know you better this weekend....and little Ella, too. She was sooo good and God has truly blessed you with her.
I hope we can get to know each other's families even better in the coming days. I already truly love your Mom.
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